
April O-News: Last Chance for Free Online Industry Training!

Last Chance for Free
Online Industry Training!

In response to the Government of Ontario’s 2015, “It’s Never Okay: An Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Harassment”, the Ontario Restaurant Hotel & Motel Association in partnership with OTEC and Tourism HR Canada developed “It’s Your Shift”, an advanced training and awareness program to prevent sexual violence in the hospitality industry.

1 in 4 Canadians has experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.
25% who reported it found that management was unresponsive.

By taking this training, or incorporating it into your workplace training program, you have the opportunity to become a leader in ensuring patron and workplace safety, and ultimately, diminishing sexual violence. After April 30th, 2019 this program will no longer be offered for free. However, it will still be offered through OTEC for a minimal fee. It’s Your Shift is an innovative and program developed by , OTEC, and .

It’s time to shift the thinking around in the workplace. Together we will lead teams in changing thoughts, attitudes and culture to foster zero tolerance in the workplace.

To learn how you can bring this training to your organization, please Contact Us or email Emma Dixon, Assistant Manager, Clients Solutions at edixon@otec.org or 416-622-1975 ext. 245.