
Accelerated Resiliency & Retention Training

OTEC’s Resiliency & Retention training program aimed to continue to support TSNO members and our industry’s recovery, through sector-specific skills development.

The Accelerated Resiliency & Retention Training was designed for people working in tourism and hospitality or seeking a new career in the sector.

  • Empowered participants to succeed in a tourism & hospitality role
  • Built confidence to manage the demands of a customer service job
  • Equipped participants to manage stress, reduce burnout, and navigate difficult interactions at work
  • Supported upskilling, employee retention and onboarding for new hires


  • Small, interactive classes
  • Virtual or in-person instruction by certified, experienced trainers
  • Participants earned certificates for each course
  • Accessible from any device (computer or mobile)


  • Jobseekers and new entrants in the tourism & hospitality sector
  • Tourism & hospitality workers seeking to upskill and advance their careers
  • Employers looking to increase resilience of their teams and support retention efforts


Day 1

Essentials of Service Excellence (4 hours)
Learn the tools to create exceptional service experiences for customers. 

Day 2

Stress Management (2 hours)
Explore the impact of stress on our bodies, minds, and spirits. Get strategies to manage stress in the workplace.

Emotional Intelligence (2 hours)
Learn how to harness your EQ to reduce stress, enhance communication and improve job satisfaction.

Bonus Courses

Participants will also have access to FREE self-guided eLearning courses:

  • Self-Care
  • Introduction to Conflict Management

Project Impact:

Between April 2023 to March 2024, OTEC trained 446 participants and engaged with 92 employers through this project. Overall, 66% of our project participants came from diverse populations. OTEC also worked with 8 training delivery partners who provided the training across Ontario.  The Accelerated Resiliency and Retention Training Series was offered at no cost to Ontario tourism and hospitality businesses throughout the project. The project leveraged Tourism SkillsNet Ontario to build awareness.

Read testimonials about OTEC’s Resiliency and Retention Training Series.

This free training opportunity has now ended. If you are interested in hearing about future opportunities, please contact us by filling in the form below.

This Employment Ontario Program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.

Contact Us

Become a TSNO member

TSNO members are actively working together to encourage and further conversations at the local level and while aligning recruitment and training with the sector specific skills that employers require the most. TSNO members have a strong voice. They represent and raise awareness of the labour market challenges in their communities because they already have a seat at the table. Members are experiencing the financial and workforce benefits of smarter decision-making by using tools and resources created to do just that. Click here to learn more.

Over 320 Members and counting! Top reasons to become a member

  • Builds collaborative partnerships between industry and the workforce development system
  • Supports attraction, retention and advancement of tourism and hospitality workers
  • Leverages data and technology to help businesses, destinations and workers navigate the labour market with intelligence
  • Ensures quality assurance across training networks through industry-led programming standards and strong evaluation
  • Leverages data and evidence to support targeted investments and consistent communications across the network
  • Provides economies of scale to businesses, destinations and training partners pursuing data, training and technology infrastructure to support their workforce development goals
  • Provides a framework for local strategic workforce planning and the support required for effective implementation

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