

Destination Dynamics regional economic and labour projections snapshots are designed to identify trends, spot market shifts and highlight key indicators for the tourism and hospitality sector, including revenue, employment, foregone taxes and visitor spending. These snapshots have been developed to enable TSNO Members to understand the economic and employment impact of the sector in Ontario and regionally. Updated quarterly, the projections show strong signs of post-pandemic recovery. OTEC can also produce custom solutions designed around your unique regional needs. Learn about Destination Dynamics or work with our Impact & Insight team to discuss your customized needs.

TSNO funded training opportunities at work in London

Take a moment to learn more about our partners and what they’re actively working on in London.

Accelerated Leadership Training

The Accelerated Leadership Training is designed for tourism and hospitality sector managers and supervisors seeking to improve their leadership skills, build their people skills, and advance their careers. Featuring four unique leadership courses, this training focuses on developing the skills managers and leaders need to build, lead, and grow with effective teams. It is FREE for Ontario tourism and hospitality sector leaders.

Build Resiliency, Retain Workers

Virtual two day training program aims to build a stronger workforce and support retention efforts of employers. Courses include Essentials of Service Excellence, Stress Management, and Emotional Intelligence.

Re-Imagine to Succeed: Bringing diversity to tourism & hospitality

Funded by the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility under the EnAbling Change program, this project aims to create equitable opportunities in the tourism and hospitality sector for persons with disabilities through education and awareness initiatives and tailored support for employers.

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