
Destination Dynamics Interactive Dashboards

How it works

OTEC’s Destination Dynamics

Realtime, Local, Economic & Labour Recovery Dashboard is a visualization tool that uses data to track Tourism and Hospitality Industry economic recovery and resiliency across Ontario.

Destination Dynamics Interactive Dashboards

Optimize Your Business Performance

Enhance your local strategic planning with Destination Dynamics’ quarterly insights. The visualizations tabs below are designed to help identify trends, spot market shifts, and highlight key indicators built to support TSNO Members. Updated quarterly, members can easily access relevant data and insights to find answers to critical questions to increase their ability to respond quickly to changing market conditions while optimizing strategic planning.

Visualizations into critical economic and employment data

Quick and Easy key data points in one snapshot, developed to highlight the economic and employment impact of Ontario’s tourism and hospitality industry. Access other critical revenue, employment and expenditure data by easily navigating from tab to tab. 

Interactive Visualizations allow you to hover over the graphics to explore the data and uncover insights that lead to better data-driven decisions. To learn more about the tab visualizations, just hover over the learn more in the top-right-hand corner.

Updated Quarterly, these visualizations allow you to stay up-to-date on trends, spot sudden shifts and identify outliers through our time series visualizations, simply move the start and end year slider.

Custom Insights and Analysis
Get in touch with our Impact & Insights Team to learn more about our expertise and how your organization can leverage our labour supply and demand forecast models to enhance your initiatives.