
Career Edge Trenton


Career Edge, a partner in Tourism SkillsNet Ontario, prepares workforce, ready candidates.

Twelve skilled and enthusiastic individuals are ready to join the workforce in the hospitality, tourism, and foodservice industries thanks to four weeks of training. The Ontario Tourism Education Corporation (OTEC) designed the Hospitality Career Catalyst program, is part of the Tourism SkillsNet Ontario initiative, and was facilitated by Career Edge in Trenton. The program allows participants to complete certificates including Service Excellence, Safe Food Handlers, Smart Serve, WHMIS, emerit Workplace Essentials (WOE) and It’s Your Shift Anti-Violence and Harassment training.

Tourism SkillsNet Ontario enables stakeholders, including employment service providers like Career Edge, to align training and skills development with local hiring needs. This was born out of the lack of skilled workers in the tourism, hospitality, and foodservice sectors.

Hospitality Career Catalyst prepares participants for employment and sets them on a career building path in these growing sectors. Throughout the program, participants gain the essential skills and obtain certification to not only enter the field but to grow in their career path.

Barb Miller, who facilitated the program at Career Edge in Trenton, says the group has been dedicated from the beginning and all completed their exams successfully. “The investment that those individuals put in, it’s pretty amazing. The entire group has been extremely consistent, punctual, and very open to participating,” she says. “I am so proud of this group and feel honored to have met them all. It has been amazing watching new relationships form with the group.”

The graduates from Career Edge in Trenton are comprised of diverse individuals with unique skills and experiences. One of the graduates states, “This course has given me the confidence and knowledge I needed to work in hospitality.”Adam Morrison, OTEC’s V.P. Projects and Partnerships say, “It is very exciting to see these graduates motivated to build their careers in the hospitality, tourism and food service industries. Our partnerships in Eastern Ontario with Career Edge, RTO9, and KEYS, Employment and Education Centre, have made it possible for us to engage, coordinate, and train regionally to help these sectors recruit and retain talent. It’s a great example of what we can do in collaboration through Tourism SkillsNet Ontario.”  
For more information, or to bring this program to your destination please contact:
Adam Morrison, OTEC President & CEO, amorrison@otec.org; 416-622-1975 ext. 236, www.otec.org
Barb Miller, Career Edge, Facilitator, barbm@careeredge.on.ca; 613-476-6456 ext. 674, careeredge.on.ca
Olivia Timm, Career Edge, Community Liason, oliviat@careeredge.on.ca; 613-392-9157 ext. 325, careeredge.on.ca  

OTEC is an Ontario-based independent, not-for-profit training, consulting & workforce development organization that delivers high quality, creative, and branded solutions for the development and growth of a professional, skilled workforce. It is the leading source of support for communities to build workforce capacity and for companies to attract, retain, and develop high performing employees and become Employer of Choice organizations. OTEC is the premier source for Customer Service and Leadership training and strategy development, Tourism Ambassador training, and certifications and education products and services for tourism, hospitality, and service-oriented organizations in a wide range of industry sectors both nationally and internationally.


Career Edge has been offering free and confidential employment services since 1987, with offices in Campbellford, Napanee, Northbrook, Picton, and Trenton. Career Edge provides a variety of Employment Ontario services for youth and adults looking for a job, or an employer looking for assistance. Career Edge helps in offering training incentives, access to training grants, resume building, and job search assistance. An Employment Ontario service funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.